2024-04-10 阅读 19
1. 数学方面:
- "数学分析导论"(Introduction to Mathematical Analysis)by Tom M. Apostol
- "线性代数及其应用"(Linear Algebra and Its Applications)by Gilbert Strang
- "离散数学及其应用"(Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications)by Kenneth H. Rosen
- "概率论与数理统计"(Probability and Statistics for Engineering and the Sciences)by Jay L. Devore
2. 物理方面:
- "大学物理"(University Physics)by Hugh D. Young and Roger A. Freedman
- "理论物理导论"(Introduction to Theoretical Physics)by John D. Walecka
- "经典力学"(Classical Mechanics)by John R. Taylor
- "电磁学"(Introduction to Electrodynamics)by David J. Griffiths
更新于 2024年11月21日